Rey Ybarra, (Episode 31) invited me out to the Conversations with Shark Tank Winners book launch in the Northern Trust Bank in downtown Los Angeles on September 17, 2013. The event was attended by many people who had appeared on Shark Tank, including, Jennie Nigrosh from the Green Garmento, Jim Tselikis from Cousins Maine Lobster, Brandon Marz from Marz Sprays, Aly Lessor from Cozy Bug, T.J. Hale, the host of the Shark Tank Podcast, and many other successful entrepreneurs and business owners.
The event was a blast, as we got to mingle with some of the Shark Tank entrepreneurs and we even had a panel discussion with several of the business owners themselves where they shared how they got on the show, the impact the show has had on their businesses and how excited they were to be in Rey’s new multimedia book.
Rey appeared in Episode 31 of the Defining Success Podcast where he shared with our listeners the stories of failure and success that the entrepreneurs who appeared on Shark Tank have faced. Because we got along so well and Rey valued my opinion, he asked me to review his book before the launch. You can see my book review of Conversations with Shark Tank Winners here –
I feel very fortunate to have met Rey Ybarra and those who have appeared on the show Shark Tank. Rey’s book has a lot of very interesting insights about the guest who have appeared on the hit ABC Reality TV Show Shark Tank and I’d definitely recommend Conversations with Shark Tank Winners to any entrepreneur looking to build a successful business.
Thank you Rey for including me and giving me the opportunity to interview you, to invite me to your book launch and for all the kind words and exposure you’ve given to the Defining Success Podcast. Great job!