Tag Archives: Business Coach

Episode 101: Tribal Marketing | Daryl Urbanski

In Episode 101 of the Defining Success Podcast, Daryl Urbanski shares his entrepreneurial journey and discusses the importance of tribal marketing.  Tribal marketing is a marketing strategy that attempts to create social communities centered around a product or service.

Daryl Urbanski on Tribal Marketing on the Defining Success Podcast with Zeb Welborn

Daryl Urbanski

Daryl Urbanski is a #1 Bestselling Business Author, Business Coach, Martial Artist, Tribal/Database Marketer, Entrepreneur, & Student Of Life.

Daryl focuses heavily on direct response campaigns and has experienced a lot of success.  His first endeavor was an email marketing campaign designed to get a job in Canada while he was still in High School.

He had some early experience with alternative energy, traveled to Japan to teach English, worked as a freelancer and then started experimented with passive income.

Ancient Secrets of Lead Generation is Daryl Urbanski’s best selling book


  • Michael Gerber
  • Jim Rohn
  • James Michener

According to Daryl, the biggest mistake many entrepreneurs make is:

  • Not Getting a Mentor
  • Not Surrounding Yourself with the Right People
  • Poor Time Management

Tribal marketing focuses on creating small groups of people and creating specific products for them to become more successful.  Working constantly to continually create value for people.

Daryl also believes in surrounding yourself with wolves instead of gazelles.

Daryl Urbanski author of The Ancient Secrets of Lead Generation

Daryl Urbanski

Success Quotes:

  • “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.” — Jim Rohn
  • “Sometimes you need to make the mistake to learn the lesson.”
  • “Do more.”
  • “Success is being able to do what you want, where you want, with who you want, with the price and terms you want.”
  • “Success is whatever it means to you.”

Episode 37: Balancing Your Work and Personal Life | Alex Navas from AlexNavas.com

Alex Navas helps people and business owners determine what is important in their business and personal lives. It’s not easy balancing your work and personal life.  The most successful people are able to find a healthy balance between the two where they are able to accomplish a lot at work, but not to the detriment of their families.  Learn more from Alex on business and what it takes to be successful in Episode 37 of the Defining Success Podcast.

Alex Navas Balancing Your Business and Personal Life Defining Success Podcast with Zeb Welborn

Alex Navas

Alex Navas is nationally recognized for his financial expertise and exceptional small business marketing methods.  He has been active in finance, marketing, sales and personal development for 10 years.  He is now an energetic and charismatic speaker, trainer and business coach.

Alex started his entrepreneurial career installing car stereos for his friends and from that point on he knew he was destined for a life in business.  At 21 years old he started his first business, a mortgage company.  He and his wife did really well in the mortgage industry and he learned his passion was helping other business owners become successful by holding bootcamps for real estate agents.

Alex helps businesses by taking a look at their assets.  When he explains assets he means the positive things you have in your business.  After analyzing your assets, Alex can point to some opportunities you’re missing out on which could help you grow your business.

By understanding where a business is at, Alex can help businesses expand faster using less resources.  A lot of times success online depends upon taking advantage of the right opportunities and being able to identify those opportunities is critical to the success of any business.

A lot of entrepreneurs make decisions based on illusions.  A common challenge entrepreneurs make is they think they know the answer about something before the event even takes place without acting on it first.

Their are a few key things to achieve exponential growth.  Your mindset is important to the success of any business owner.  One of the key ways to grow exponentially is by choosing who you’re going to serve, because it gives you the opportunity to serve who you were not meant to serve.

Alex owns the Christian Business Academy and purposefully narrowed his focus because he knew that he was meant to serve those people.  In return, it has become easier for him to attract the clients that he wants because they are attracted to his purpose and mission.

One of the things that Alex is really good at is creating profitable partnerships and he works with a lot of coaches and consultants and he helps them leverage what they’re doing.  Alex created an online training program with another business coach in order to help people create experts in the industry.

When Alex was running his mortgage company, he was working from 7am to 11pm.  One day he was sitting with his son and he realized that his business was taking him away from his family and he vowed not to let that happen.  We’re passing up opportunities to say that some day we’ll have time to spend with our family.  Balancing your work and personal life is critical to the happiness of an individual.

Alex has seen so many successful people, but their personal lives are in shambles.

Most business owners are overwhelmed and overworked. Most business owners are doing way too much work.  Once you get focused and narrow down your goals then it becomes easier to achieve your goals and you’re doing less work.  No matter what Alex does at work he thinks about the people he’s serving and how he can help them.

Balancing Your Business and Personal Life, Alex Navas on the Defining Success Podcast

Alex Navas

Engaging Discussion Questions:

  • How important is balancing your work and personal life?
  • What is more important?  Your business or your family and friends?
  • Who is the target market for your business?  Why?

Links to Great Stuff:

  • Alex Navas – “Whether you already know who I am or not, I’m ultimately here to serve you and I have a lot to tell you that will shed some light on who I am and how I can help you experience more joy, happiness and fulfillment in your life and your business.”
  • Christian Business Academy – “C.B.A. (Christian Business Academy) was founded to gather Christian entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals and empower them to create more fulfilling, profitable and purposeful businesses through the Word of God in order to create lasting change around the world using their businesses as the catalyst.”

Success Quotes:

  • “When you have fun in your business, you’re never working.”
  • “We all have a reason why we’re here beyond us.”
  • “Success comes much easier when you’re having fun and operating in your purpose.”
  • “85% of business owners are doing way too much.”
  • “It’s a lot easier to work with what you have than to start from scratch.”

Special Requests:


Episode 30: The Language of Success | Greg Clowminzer from GregClowminzer.com

Greg Clowminzer shares some of the common problems entrepreneurs face and how he’s able to help them overcome those problems.  One of the biggest suggestions Greg makes for entrepreneurs is to use the appropriate language for success.  Learn the language of success according to Greg in Episode 30 of the Defining Success Podcast.

Learn the Language of Success from Greg Clowminzer

Business Coach – Greg Clowminzer

Recap: Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience.  Greg coaches and consults CEO’s, small business owners, and professionals helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.

Prior to coaching Greg was in commercial investment real estate.  He helped investors acquire apartment buildings and assisted people who held multi-family investment properties.

At a young age, Greg was making a lot of money in real-estate, but just because he was making a lot of money it didn’t necessarily mean he was happy.  Greg felt unfulfilled and not very happy with what he was doing.  He began to look at what made him happy and was fortunate to meet several teachers, mentors and coaches who helped him discover what success and happiness was for him.  He then decided he wanted to become a business coach.

People come to Greg in a variety of different ways.  Some people will reach out to Greg through the Internet or they listen to Greg at a speaking engagement.  Most people reach out to Greg because they want more or less of something.  In the initial consultation, Greg helps them get clear on what’s possible and it also gives Greg a chance to see if the individual would be a good fit for him.  Greg offers a complimentary consultation to explore their lives or their businesses and see how Greg could help them get better.

Greg starts painting a picture for what you want and then helps you generate ideas to help you get to that point.  Greg listens to what you really want and helps you understand what it is you want and without worrying about the way it is.  People come out of the consultation being very energized and excited.

A common problem a lot of entrepreneurs have is focusing on what’s important. A week, month, or several months can go by without taking the time for what’s important to the success of their business.  Another problem he sees is that so many entrepreneurs are focusing on work that they don’t take the time to focus on themselves.  One of the quickest ways an entrepreneur can grow a business is to focus on themselves.  Another big problem Greg encounters are business owners who have problems with leadership or management because they never think about going into business to become a leader.  Most people get into business because they are passionate about something, but the last thing on their mind is thinking about people skills.  Other problems include marketing and sales issues.  And lastly, many people he knows are under-networked and that puts their business at a risk.

Greg has a lot of clients that have hit rough spots where they are down, fearful, taken a major hit or the market affects their business and Greg has been able to get in their and get them back in the game to where they are growing and expanding their business.

In people who speak the language of success, there is a tremendous amount of responsibility in their language.  When they promise something you know they are going to come through.  Unsuccessful people commonly use words like try, where successful people say they will do and make sure they get those done.

The perfect trait for Greg are people who a smart and have a high-IQ and people who have embraced the idea of life-long learning.  If they are willing to experiment with what Greg calls their “beingness.”  People grow when they are able to experience their truth.

Some advice Greg would give to entrepreneurs is to look at their motives about why they are going into business and to be honest with themselves.  At the very onset start building your team around you.  Have an accountability buddy, a team and a success coach.  You can even contact Greg to learn the language of success.

Greg Clowminzer and the language of success

Greg Clowminzer

Engaging Discussion Questions:

  • What do you think of the quote by Yoda:  “Do or do not . . . There is no try.”?  Is there a language of success?
  • How do you show up as a leader and a coach for the people in your organization?

Links to Great Stuff:

  • GregClowminzer.com – “Greg lives in Carlsbad, California and coaches with entrepreneurs, small business owners and professionals, helping them awaken to a greater purpose and meaning in their personal and professional lives. Greg uses a blend of eastern and western views as a means of introducing people to the untapped potential of the human spirit. Greg is most passionate about leading Enlightenment Intensives a Zen-like meditation retreat where he teaches people the lost art of true-self reflection and the uncommon practice of authentic communication. Call or write to schedule a complimentary coaching consultation.”
  • Transparent Mortgage – “Since 2003, Beau has been a mortgage professional and is the Founder and Senior Mortgage Advisor at Transparent Mortgage. Earning degrees in both business and finance he has a diverse background as a financial advisor and mortgage professional. He has worked with and for Luxury Mortgage, Bank of America and Impac Funding. He grew up in Alaska, spending summers working at his father’s fishing lodge, Tikchik Narrows Lodge, where he learned the value of hard work and a commitment to customer service. Beau currently lives in downtown San Diego, CA.”

Success Quotes:

  • “Success is about learning and growing and experiencing the wonderment of life.”
  • “Success is a team effort.”
  • “That which is undistinguished in our lives we’re trapped by.”
  • “The person who is less than powerful in their language in life has no idea that they are trapped by that.”
  • “Successful people use a language that empowers them and other people.”
  • “A really good coach is not coming with their guns loaded but . . . coming with a complete state of presence.”
  • “True coaching and masterful coaching is truly an art.”
  • “I wanted to dedicate my life to other people who are unfulfilled in what they’re doing . . . and support those people and helping them discover what their definition of success is.”

Special Requests:

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